She designed

She designed a life she loved...

Sunday, June 10, 2007


My ear was better, I didn't have to testify when I went into court. Ben and I went out on Friday night and Lara babysat for us. We went to dinner at Cafe Molise, this quiet Italian cafe on 100 S. and then went to check in to the Anniversary Inn. We stayed in the Italian gondola room, which had the bed in a boat. I had fun and I liked being with Ben. We slept in, watched movies like Roman holiday and Only You and had breakfast in bed. :) What a great way to remember who I married and why. We also sat in the jetted tub and relaxed, it felt so nice. Then we came home to our cute boys and worked on our budget. So romantic I know. lol We also had some dinner and went for a fun bike ride. Then we came home and played Killer Bunnies with Morgen.